The Exchange Rates of Dollar, Currencies and Prices of Gold & Oil in Iraqi Market

The Exchange Rates of Dollar, Currencies and Prices of Gold & Oil in Iraqi Market

A list of the exchange rates of the dollar, currencies, gold and oil in the Iraqi market

Baghdad – people: Nass publishes the exchange rates of the dollar, foreign currencies and precious metals in the local markets, according to the monitoring of specialists on Thursday (19 November 2020).

Exchange offices prices:

The sale price of the dollar is 125,000

The purchase price of the dollar is 124,000



Global foreign currencies

Euro: 100 euros, 118.50 dollars

Sterling: 100 pounds, $ 132.36

Turkish lira: 100 dollars, 773.10 Turkish liras



The price of an ounce of gold worldwide is $ 1862.85



The price of a barrel of Brent crude oil is $ 44.10

The price of a barrel of US crude oil is 41.65 dollars

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