Rising Inflation Adversely Affects the annual Income of Individuals

Baghdad – Mostafa Hashemi – the joy of pumice at the time issued by the Corporation Arab economic study on the income level of the Arab citizen annual, counting expert ratio of the average annual per capita income of the Iraqi good but began to erode due to high inflation rates, while another noted that the figures issued by the competent institutions should ignore them and deal with transparency and they reflect the economic reality of Iraq. In this regard, said economic expert on behalf of Jamil Antoine possibility of adopting reports and economic studies on Iraq, which come from economic institutions, Arab and international, which draws its information from reliable sources. study was an Arab economic ranked Iraq in the income bracket average Arab citizen to own citizen income ranges between 6 to 3000 dollars a year.

Added Antoine told the (morning) that enhances the possibility of taking those reports, studies and research is scientific those institutions, as much of what poses taken him and be adopted as numbers of economic incorrect.
pointed to the importance of taking into account the analysis of figures The information generated and handled in a transparent and non-conscientious objection of figures realism concerned with the economy of Iraq.
, and added that the business environment in Iraq repulsive and unattractive because of the lack of visibility of economic decision-makers are befuddled select destination and features of the Iraqi economy according to the stage of going through.

study was prepared by the institution Arab Investment Guarantee that “considerable variation observed between the Arab states, which can be classified into 4 slices, according to revenues of its members yearly. represents the first tranche of high-income so that income between 7104 to 2.43 thousand dollars and includes both Qatar and the United Arab Emirates and Kuwait. Then slice high income from 10.7 to 25.7 thousand dollars and includes 5 countries: Oman, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Libya, Lebanon, and the study showed that revenues slice middle-income range 3.1 between 6.4 thousand dollars and includes six countries, namely Iraq, Algeria, Jordan, Tunisia, Morocco and Egypt. ” .

Added, “As for the low-income bracket from 1.1 thousand to 1.6 thousand U.S. dollars includes 4 countries, namely Djibouti, Sudan, Yemen and Mauritania.” It showed that “the income of the Arab citizen has seen a clear growth of 5 thousand dollars a year on average for the period between 2005 and 2009 to 8.2 thousand dollars in 2013 with expectations to continue improving to 8.4 thousand dollars.”

Projections indicate further improvement of the income of the Arab citizen to 8.4 thousand dollars in 2014 and a resultant output growth Arab by more than the rate of population growth in the Arab countries during this period.
, in turn, counting the economic expert Hilal Taan rate of per capita income compared to neighboring countries, and the proportion to the value of the gross domestic product is good, but He stressed the lack of formation ratio satisfactory in the community because of the high rates of inflation in recent years. According to the Ministry of Planning, the per capita income of the GDP went up to 6000 dollars a year after it was a thousand dollars in previous years.

Shows Taan in an earlier statement (morning) that “this ratio began to erode in recent years, due to high inflation rates in Iraq, especially that he has more than three million employees and more than two and a half million retired”, adding that the annual income of objects with the poverty rate in Iraq, according to Statistics from the Ministry of Planning, which refers to 23 percent is equivalent to seven million Iraqis are still below the poverty line.
According to the latest statistics, the average monthly household income recipient was (1312.9) thousand dinars, and the average family income relative to market prices (1597.1) thousand dinars a month, The average monthly per capita income recipient (195.1) thousand dinars, and the average monthly per capita income at market prices (237.4) thousand dinars.

Also sees it as inconsistent with the unemployment rate in the country and that was processed incorrectly by appointment on the cadres of the state departments, as stresses in time himself on the activation of the private sector and support through the allocation of the necessary funds to re-run it, and thus eliminate the phenomenon of unemployment.  Confirms surveys and the Ministry of Planning that the unemployment rate for adults aged 15 years and over had reached in 2012 (11.9) percent, where the recorded unemployment rates higher for families whose size (10) where members amounted to (15.0) percent compared to the size of the families of other denominations, as she was in 2004.35 percent and fell to 18 percent until the year 2008, to settle at 15 percent in 2010.
