Visual Calls for Support for Iraqi Industries

BAGHDAD – Farah pumice  The cement industry of the early modern industries and most sophisticated in Iraq by virtue of availability of raw materials, expertise and technology and provide local markets active, but it is experiencing a significant deterioration due to the dumping of this material from the origins of foreign cheaper prices, as calls for economic expert, Dr. Kamal Al-Basri government to support industries Iraq, to ​​develop their competitiveness compared to the importer.

Studies show that Iraq needs to about 30 million tons per year of cement during the next ten years for the purpose of bridging the local market need, in addition to meeting the needs of population trends and solving the housing crisis and the rehabilitation and reconstruction of various projects, including infrastructure. Confirms the visual for “morning” the importance of relying on the local and foreign experts to transfer the experiences of the world and its application in the field of non-oil products, especially in the cement industry, which promise of “industry good” in Iraq, but that blockbuster consumer importer led to its decline.

He said the production of cement Iraqi local high quality and better than the imported Calayrani and Saudi Arabia, and certificates of examination discretionary, but the cost is high, especially as the electric power interference in its costs by 30 percent, on the contrary, from the importer, who will be supported by the state, producing, calling on authorities competent to provide targeted support in the energy sector, and provide support for the weaknesses of primary products other, along with a timetable for the development of its competitiveness.

According to some owners of stores selling cement that (cement Iraqi) is still the favorite of the consumer, for Iqbal, a lot of citizens buy it in spite of higher prices, especially as the price per ton of cement Iraqi up to about 125 000 dinars, while the Iranian cement prices ranged between 90 and 100 thousand dinars per ton. And urges the visual focus on the search for productivity and competitive advantage for Industries and Iraqi private construction industries.